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About figlet (Frank, Ian & Glenn's Letters) release 2.0, Dec 4, 1993
** changes by t150315@cc.tut.fi in 6.9.1994:
- Removed Makefile and D & E options ;-))).
- Fonts are now searched from a directory pointed by enviroment
variable FIGLETFONTS, instead of a fixed directory.
- Knows about Atari/Dos *8-bit* international (umlaut) characters.
figlet is a program that creates large characters out of ordinary
screen characters. figlet can create characters in many different
styles and can "smush" these characters together in various ways.
figlet output is generally reminiscent of the sort of "signatures" many
people like to put at the end of e-mail and UseNet messages. Some
example figlet output is given below.
If you like figlet (hey, even if you _hate_ figlet), please send an
e-mail message to spectre@uiuc.edu or figlet@uiuc.edu.
[Note: Apple IIGS GNO users having no "C" compiler can contact Jawaid
Bazyar at <bazyar@csn.org> for a pre-compiled GNO version of figlet.]
New fonts can be obtained by anonymous FTP from ftp.isu.edu in the
directory pub/figlet/fonts.
Check out the FIGLET-L updates, fonts, and discussion list. (You can
set topics so that you only see software update notices, or also new
fonts, or be a full participant in the discussions.) Send email to
listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu with the message
subscribe figlet-l YOUR NAME
where YOUR NAME should be your name.
I would like to point out that some non-Roman fonts are available at
the FTP site as well. As of writing, there are Hebrew and Russian.
readme.txt -- This file.
figlet.c -- The figlet source code.
figlet.6 -- The figlet man(ual) page.
<xxx>.flf -- All files ending in ".flf" are figlet font files.
Installing figlet
First decide in which directories figlet, and the figlet font files
(the ".flf" files) will be stored (usually "/usr/games" and
"/usr/games/lib/figlet.dir") and which will be the default font (we
recommend "standard.flf").
Type something like 'gcc -v -O -Wall figlet.c -o figlet' to compile
the program.
If the program fails to compile, set OLD_DIR_STRUCTS to 1 in figlet.c,
and type compile again. (Setting OLD_DIR_STRUCTS to 1 makes figlet use
an older method of reading directories. On newer systems, this method
will often compile without errors, but will not run properly, so
OLD_DIR_STRUCTS should only be set to 1 if figlet will not compile
If you cannot, or do not want to install the man pages, you can still
probably read it using
nroff -man figlet.6 | more
If space is a problem, the only files you absolutely must have to run
figlet are "figlet" (the executable) and at least one font (preferably
the one you chose to be the default font).
We have successfully compliled figlet on the following systems:
Hardware Operating System
Sun SPARC SunOS V4.1.3
SGI Iris 4D/25GT IRIX V4.0.5
SGI Iris 4D/340VGX IRIX V4.0.5
SGI Iris Skywriter IRIX V4.0.5
Cray 2 UNICOS V6.1
Sequent S81 DYNIX V3.1.1
Convex C240 ConvexOS V10.1
IBM RS/6000 AIX V3
HP 9000/375 HP-UX V7.0
NeXT Mach NeXTstep V3.0
Using figlet
At the shell prompt, type "figlet". Then type, say, "Hello, world!"
and press return. "Hello, world!" in nice, big, designer characters
should appear on your screen. If you chose standard.flf to be the
default font, you should see
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | | | ___| | | ___ __ _____ _ __| | __| | |
| |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` | |
| _ | __/ | | (_) | \ V V / (_) | | | | (_| |_|
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___( ) \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_(_)
(By the way, the above is meant to be diplayed in a monospaced font.)
Then type something else, or type an EOF (typically control-D) to quit
Now you can send the output of figlet to a file (e.g., "figlet > file")
and e-mail it to your friends (who will probably say, "Wow! It must
have taken you hours to put that together!")
To use other fonts, use the "-f" command line option. For example, if
you had said "figlet -f smslant" above, you would have seen
__ __ ____ __ ____
/ /_/ /__ / / /__ _ _____ ____/ /__/ / /
/ __ / -_) / / _ \_ | |/|/ / _ \/ __/ / _ /_/
/_/ /_/\__/_/_/\___( ) |__,__/\___/_/ /_/\_,_(_)
Here are some other useful command line options:
-c center -- centers the output of figlet.
-t terminal -- figlet asks your terminal how wide it is, and uses
this to determine when to break lines. Normally, figlet assumes
80 columns so that people with wide terminals won't annoy the
people they e-mail figlet output to.
-D Deutsch -- switches to the German character set. Turns `[', `\'
and `]' to umlauted A, O and U, respectively. `{', `|' and `}'
turn into the respective lower case versions of these. `~' turns
into s-z.
-p paragraph mode -- eliminates some spurious line breaks when piping
a multi-line file through figlet.
-F Fonts -- lists the available figlet fonts.
-v version -- prints information about your copy of figlet.
For in-depth explanations of these and other otions, see the man page.
Other Stuff
Although you don't have to design your own fonts to use figlet, we'd
certainly like it if lots of people did make up new figlet fonts. If
you feel like giving it a try, see the "FONT FILE FORMAT" section of
the man page.
See "Other Things to Try" in the EXAMPLES section of the man page
for... well... other things to try.
figlet was written mostly by Glenn Chappell <ggc@uiuc.edu>. The
author not being an e-mail fanatic, most correspondence (bug reports,
rave reviews, etc.) should be directed to his secretary (who is
definitely an e-mail fanatic), Ian Chai <spectre@uiuc.edu> (or